Yoga Classes
We teach yoga as exercise with a focus on the structural alignment of the physical body through the practice of asanas.
Objective of the nattuvangam classes is to train the students in learning the art of playing cymbals, composing jathis and understanding the thalams
Bharatnatyam Classes
Students receive firm grounding in Bharatanatyam theory and cultural history, as well as rigorous fundamental training and technique refinement. Emphasis is placed on mental and physical discipline, and on the importance of practice, passion, dedication and perseverance.
Natya Shastra
Bharata Nrityam represents the confluence of the Marga technique of Natya Sastra and the Desi technique of South India, namely Bharata Natyam. It is a style evolved and popularized by Guru Dr. Padma Subrahmanyam. Students learn systematic training of the major (the Angas) and minor limbs,(Upangas), with their relevant slokas/ exercises, adavus, sthanas, charis, nritta hastas , karanas , mandalas and angaharas, along with theory.
Cranatic Music
Students receive formal training in the fundamentals of carnatic music. Emphasis is given to the actual pedagogy, voice culture and thalam patterns
Carnatic music production
We develop thematic Margams and help with Music productions for thematic Arangetrams with the support of our inhouse team.